Sunday, November 9, 2008

Playing Catch Up

I know it's been a while since I've posted but I have been reading. Not as much as usual but that's what happens when you go back to school. Anyhow, here are mini reviews of what I've read over the past few months and if anyone wants more I'll write a full review upon request. I believe this covers everything though I may be forgetting something.

Breaking Dawn - Really weird plot twists but they served to tie together loose ends and complaints I'd had about the other books.

Queen of Babble - Fun. Loveable character.

Elements of Style - Had what The Emperers Children was lacking but was still missing something.

Queen of Babble in the Big City - Fun sequel. Did somethings unexpected from your typical chick-lit

Atonement - Very wordy. Interesting but too wordy, not enough plot. Wanted more from other characters. Movie was very true to the book.

Queen of Babble gets Hitched - Gave me what I wanted, though I'm not sure how I felt about the path it took. Preferred the other two books.

Heartsick - Twisted. A great read but made me a bit anxious about walking alone at night.

Swapping Lives - Started out with promise but did not live up to expectations. Characters glossed over issues and situations without many consequences and the actual wife swapping was minimal.